Monday, April 26, 2010


I felt horrible yesterday.  I woke up with sinus issues that made me feel as if I was getting really sick.  I thought, oh no!  Not another reason to ruin my vacation!  I slept quite a bit yesterday and feel much better today.  But with sleep, comes dreams.

Up till now, dreams that have my mom in them have made me sad upon waking and wishing she was there.  Don't get me wrong, I had my sad moments yesterday, but this wasn't one of them.  I had a dream that my mom and I were sitting on my lawn chatting.  I was well aware she was dead in the dream, but it didn't bother me like it had in past dreams.  She looked as she had when I was high school, younger, full of life.  I told her that she should call my dad, because he had really been wanting to hear from her.  She liked the idea and whipped out her cell phone.  She kept trying to dial and wouldn't get anyone.  I asked her what number she was calling and she chanted off my dad's old cell number.   I gave her his new number and she tried it, no good.  I got up from my chair and tried to take the phone from her and she said, quite indignant, "I can do it!  I'm ok, now after all!"   I looked at her phone and I said, "Mom your phone doesn't work, I cancelled the contract."  She gave me a wide eyed look and said, "Why?"
I said, "um, mom, your dead."
She said, in characteristic mom style, "SO!" as if to say, "what cheek!  I might need my phone!"

The dream made me laugh.  I haven't laughed with a dream about mom in a long time.  I thank her for that.  I know she was trying to tell me something in that dream.   She misses our times together, wants to chat with us and be with us, because, after all, she's ok now.  But she just can't. 

As it says in Eccleisates 3:4 "There is a season for everything...."a time to weep and a time to laugh"
My mom reminded me of this in her style.

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